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Pricing Disclaimer

Our Pricing Data Calculation & Offer selection are based on **Lowest Cost of Ownership**. Which means in most of case Price Selected are from seller with Lowest “Price + Shipping Charges” if seller does not support free shipping with Applicable Membership such us Amazon Prime or Flipkart Plus.

Important Information:

Pricing Data we process are **NOT** 100% Accurate, Complete and free from Material Error. Our data is sourced from user data feeds, 3rd Party Data Vendors and Marketplace. Use Data with Caution.


Price means Current listed Price from seller with Lowest Listed Price + Shipping. The Listed price excludes Lightning Deals. This Price is Used in Historical Price Chart & Average Price Calculation.

Offer Price:

Offer Price means Listed Price less Applicable Lightning Deal Offer & Coupons. This Price is Only Listed where Offer Price less than Price after Discount & Coupon.

MRP & Discount:

MRP shown for product is MRP Quoted by Seller on Product Page. Most of time we take 1st Seller's MRP as Base MRP for all offers. Since Same product might have different MRP, you should always check MRP quoted by Individual sellers. Discount Amount & Percentage are based on MRP selected and might be incorrect if MRP quoted by sellers are different than selected by us.

Lowest Price

Lowest Price means Lowest ever listing price recorded for the Product at “Lowest Cost of Ownership” method.

Highest Price

Highest Price means highest ever listing price recorded for the Product at “Lowest Cost of Ownership” method.

Average Price

Average Price means Average listing price recorded for the Product at “Lowest Cost of Ownership” method. This Price is =(Sum of Lowest Price of the Day/No of Days Price recorded).

All Buying Option:

Price Shown on all Buying Option are correct when as on date mentioned on Current Price Details Page. Some of buying Option shown are not available for all users & area.

Coupon Discount:

We calculate coupon discount on single product. if product has Minimum quantity limit, Final Price & Offer price will be applicable on 1st quantity only. Coupon Details are not 100% Accurate.